Signum! Document

This page contains general information on the Signum! doucments as they are presented to the users. To learn more about the file format, have a look a this page.


A document is made up of a sequence of pages. All of these have an internal index that never changes once a page is added, so deleted pages appear as gaps in a lookup-by-index table.

Each page also has a physical page number (a one-based ordinal for its position in the current file) and a logical page number (one-based ordinal for its position in a multi-file document).


The page content is placed on a relatively granular grid, with different vertical and horizontal resolution. Every unit of vertical resolution (line) represents 1/54 of an inch, every unit of horizontal resolution (unnamed) represents 1/90 of an inch.

In the editor, the height of a single line is two pixels and one horizontal unit is a single pixel. That’s a resolution of 108 dots-per-inch (DPI) vertically and 90 dpi horizontally. It also means that a box that would appear square in print will be less wide than tall in the editor. The characters come from the *.E24 font files and are up to 24px high and 16px wide (not including modifiers).

The printing resolution depends on the kind of printer available, each of which have their respective associated font formats. The 24-needle printers use the *.P24 font files, which have a vertical resolution of 72px. Thus, they have a vertical resolution of 6 pixels per line or 324 DPI. At this resolution, the mismatch between vertical and horizontal units is easily compensated for.

Layout Settings