Font Modifiers
Signum supports 6 algorithmic font modifiers for every glphy:

Modifiers are selected from a toolbar at the bottom and can be freely combined, except for the contradictory tall & small, which increase and decrease glyph height respectively.

)Breit (wide)
Breit doubles the width of a glyph.
Fett (bold)
The 24-needle printer driver has three modes for computing bold glyphs:
- leicht (Light)
- normal
- stark (strong)

)The bold text in normal mode looks like the following:

underlines a glyph.
Kursiv (italic)
Kursiv modifies the glyph to lean forward 1:4
Gross (tall)
Gross increases the height of a glyph by 1.5 (150%).
Klein (small)
Klein reduces the height of a glyph by 0.75 (75%).