Key Bindings

Almost all features of signum were available using key bindings or keyboard shortcuts. This allowed complex interactions to be recorded, saved and re-used as keyboard macros.

Writing Mode

The behavior of writing “normal” text depends on the writing mode settings in the functions menu:

"Funktionen" / "Schreibmodi:" (SIGNUM2.PRG)

Automatic Insertion

When automatic insertion (Autom. Einfügen) was active, typing a character would move the rest of the line before inserting the character. If it was off, the characters would be written on top of the existing line. Signum! allows for 0 offset between character positions, so characters can be stacked on top of each other.

Automatic Line Feed

If the automatic line feed (Autom. Zeilenvorschub) was active and the space bar was pressed at a position past the configured right margin of the page, Signum would insert a new main line one main line distance below the current one, adjust the horizontal position to the start (carriage return) of the line or the tabulator / indent and move the overhanging word to that line, if necessary.

RETURN creates line

RETURN moves the cursor down by one main line distance in the same way that the automatic line feed does. If the RETURN creates line mode is active, this will insert that amount of new lines, otherwise, it would just move the cursor.

RETURN creates paragraph

When RETURN creates line was active, the RETURN creates paragraph mode would additionally mark the new line with the paragraph attribute.

Indent to Cursor

When indent to cursor was activated, SIGNUM would remember the horizontal offset of the current cursor position and use that for all subsequent line feeds.

Other RETURN behavior

Sequence Effect
CTRLRETURN Move the remainder of the current line to the start of the next line as long as it belongs to the same paragraph (otherwise behaves like SHIFTRETURN)
SHIFTRETURN Move the remainder of the current line to a new line

For the reverse, see F7 under function keys

Insert & Delete

INS, DEL, SPACE, and were used to insert whitespace and delete characters. The first two are simple in that they don’t trigger any writing mode logic.

Sequence Effect
INS insert one space width after the cursor, moving the rest of the line right
CTRLINS insert 3/90 inch space after the cursor, moving the rest of the line right
SHIFTINS insert 1/90 inch space after the cursor, moving the rest of the line right
DEL delete one space width after the cursor, moving the rest of the line left
CTRLDEL delete 3/90 inch space after the cursor, moving the rest of the line left
SHIFTDEL delete 1/90 inch space after the cursor, moving the rest of the line left
SPACE insert one space width at the cursor, moving it and the rest of the line right
CTRLSPACE insert 3/90 inch space at the cursor, moving it and the rest of the line right
SHIFTSPACE insert 1/90 inch space at the cursor, moving it and the rest of the line right
delete one space width before the cursor, moving it and the rest of the line left
CTRL delete 3/90 inch space before the cursor, moving it and the rest of the line left
SHIFT delete 1/90 inch space before the cursor, moving it and the rest of the line left

In case of the wide font-modifier, SPACE creates a space with double the width. If, upon processing a , Signum encounters a character, the cursor stops at its position and deletes it.

Cursor Position

The arrow keys (, , , ) along with the modifiers CTRL, SHIFT, TAB and HOME were used to move the cursor around on the current page.

Horizontal Movement

Sequence Effect
Move right by one space width
CTRL Move right by 3/90 inches (3 microsteps)
SHIFT Move right by 1/90 inches (1 microsteps)
CTRLSHIFT Move right to next char (if any), ignore index lines
Move left by one space width, stop at left page margin
CTRL Move left by 3/90 inches (3 microsteps)
SHIFT Move left by 1/90 inches (1 microsteps)
CTRLSHIFT Move left to next char (if any), ignore index lines
SHIFTHOME Move to the start of the current line or indent
HOME Move after the last character in the current line, incl. index lines
CTRLHOME Move after the last character of the current word
CTRLSHIFTHOME Move after to the end of the current character
TAB Move the cursor to the next tabulator position, without moving text
CTRLTAB Move the cursor and text after it to the next tabulator position
SHIFTTAB Move the cursor to the previous tabulator position, without moving text

Vertical Movement

Vertical movement is always restricted to the current text area i.e. header, main content, or footer of a page. If trying to navigate further, the curser will stop at the start/end of the area.

Sequence Effect
Move up by one main line distance but no further than the nearest main line
CTRL Move up by one index line distance
SHIFT Move up by 1/54 inches (1 line)
CTRLSHIFT Move up to the nearest non-empty line
Move down by one main line distance but no further than the nearest main line
CTRL Move down by one index line distance
SHIFT Move down by 1/54 inches (1 line)
CTRLSHIFT Move down to the nearest non-empty line

Escape Sequences

There was a quick reference of the available escape sequences in the Infos menu of Signum itself.

"Escape-Sequenzen" (SIGNUM2.PRG)

Some longer form descriptions were in the reference section (Nachschlagteil) of Das Signum! Buch (see ASH-Books).

Sequence Effect
ESC+ Go to the next page (keyboard only, not numpad +)
ESC- Go to the previous page (keyboard only, not numpad -)
ESCa Sets the paragraph marker (“Absatz”)
ESCA Unsets the paragraph marker (“Absatz”)
ESCb Sets the wide (“Breit”) font-modifier
ESCB Unsets the wide (“Breit”) font-modifier
ESCc Sets the cursive (“Kursiv”) font-modifier
ESCC Unsets the cursive (“Kursiv”) font-modifier
ESCCTRL Go to the next paragraph marker
ESCCTRL Go to the previous paragraph marker
ESC Go to the end of the page
ESC Go to the start of the page
ESCdi5 Set the index line distance (to any number, e.g. 5)
ESCdl12 Set the main line distance (to any 2-digit number, e.g. 12)
ESCds2 Set the blocking (“Sperrung”, to any number, e.g. 2)
ESCdw08 Set the space width (to any 2-digit number, e.g. 08)
ESCe Set an indent
ESCE Unset an indent
ESCf Sets the bold (“Fett”) font-modifier
ESCF Unsets the bold (“Fett”) font-modifier
ESCg Sets the tall (“Gross”) font-modifier
ESCG Unsets the tall (“Gross”) font-modifier
ESCh Mark a main line (“Hauptzeile”)
ESCH Unmark a main line
ESCk Sets the small (“Klein”) font-modifier
ESCK Unsets the small (“Klein”) font-modifier
ESCn Mark a footnote (with cursor on a number)
ESC4A Insert a single character (e.g. A) from another font (e.g. the 4th one)
ESCs015 Go to page nnn (any 3 digit number, e.g. 015)
ESCt Set the text attribute
ESCT Unset the text attribute
ESCu Sets the underlined (“—–”) font-modifier
ESCU Unsets the underlined (“—–”) font-modifier
ESCx Go to header area
ESCy Go to footer area
ESCz3 Change the active font (e.g. to the 3rd one)
ESCzALT3 Change the active ALT font (e.g. to the 3rd one)
ESCzCTRL3 Change the active CTRL font (e.g. to the 3rd one)

Function Keys

"Funktionstasten" (SIGNUM2.PRG)
Sequence Effect
F1a Call keyboard program / macro (e.g. a)
F2 Insert blank line at cursor (above current content)
F3 Delete line at cursor
F4 Insert blank line, move cursor
F5 Delete line above cursor
F6 Reserved (e.g. for accessories)
F7 Pull up a word from the next line
CTRLF7 Pull up the next line
F8 Add current line to accumulator, move cursor to next line
F9 Insert the content of the accumulator at (above) the cursor
SHIFTF9 Clear the accumulator
F10 Redraw the whole screen